Anne Larson
Anne grew up in the back hills of the deep south where she discovered the love of her life; horses. Anne has always had a passion for these large four legged creatures and spent as much time with them as possible. She fondly remembers the Spring Festival in April every year while she was growing up. “I would spend all three days of the festival with the pony ride carousel.” She recalls. “My grandmother was always at the festival with her arts and crafts booth. So we were there the whole time anyhow. I would just spend the time with the ponies. I would help feed and brush and lead them around when they were not working. In exchange the vendor usually let me ride the big one in the carousel. I was in heaven.” As Anne speaks, it is easy to see the love in her eyes for these amazing animals. She tells of a neighbor several blocks away from her house having horses when she was a teenager. “My friend; Amber, and I would spend hours every day in the summer there. We went everywhere on those horses. Oh the adventures we had. We were Annie Oakley and Mollie Monroe”
Anne’s dream has always been to share her love of horses with anyone and everyone willing to listen. Her goal is to one day have a huge barn and facility to house her lesson program.
Anne is ARIA and Richard Shrake certified. She holds a number of additional therapeutic certifications as well. Anne has been teaching horses and riders to work harmoniously for over 30 years. She has mastered a technique that allows horse and human to understand each other. “If we are going to work with horses, we need to think more like horses.” Her specialty is teaching children and those who are nervous around horses. Anne is a current member in good standing of the following associations:
AQHA, ApHC, PFHA, POAC, SMR, North American Handicapped Riding Association, American Riding Instructors Association, AQHA Professional Horseman’s Association, Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association, Nebraska Horse Council and Colorado Horse Council. Anne is also an approved 4-H and Open horse show Judge. Anne was certified through CSU in 2013 to AI mares, collect stallions, cool or freeze and ship semen, evaluate the breeding soundness of mares and stallions.

Eddie Walton
Eddie Walton is Miss Anne’s Right Hand Ranch Hand here at Pine Ranch. Eddie is an Eagle Scout, an awarded Cross Country athlete, an accomplished state swimmer, a Civil Air Patrol Cadet and an honored student. Eddie has been a part of life at Pine Ranch since he was about four years old. Nearly every summer he would come for a visit and to ride the horses. Time passed and Eddie was offered the coveted “Ranch Hand” position which we were blessed that he accepted. Eddie is heading into his second summer with us. Eddie is an amazing asset to our program. His help with chores and lessons makes everyone’s day a bit brighter. Eddie’s repair and mechanical expertise is always put to the test with all of the equipment and facility buildings at the Ranch. His mastery of the nuances of leadership and efficiency help The Ranch run smoothly and with as little stress as possible. Be sure to say hello to Mr. Eddie and let him know how much you appreciate him when you come for a visit.
“I am happy that I work at Pine Ranch and look forward to your business.” ~ Eddie Walton
Jessica Nyffler took her very first Yoga class in 2014 and immediately fell in love with the free flowing art form and outlet for self expression. Her desire to share that sensation and love with others led her to search out the RYT title through Om Ananda . She graduated in 2015 as a 200 hour RYT.
In her spare time, Jessica finds herself very active running with her dog Oskar; hiking, snowshoeing and biking. Reading with Ophelia her cat, learning new things, hanging out with friends and being part of unusual adventures are also favorites for Jessica.
Favorite quote… “Buy the ticket. Take the ride.”
Come and meet our very special local yogi who can teach you the fine art of not falling over during Downward Facing Dog! We are so honored Jessica has joined our Pine Ranch Family.
“I am looking forward to bringing my creativeness, light and thorough class structure to Pine Ranch.” ~ Jessica Nyffler

There are many people who come and help us at the Ranch. We have a number of different interns every spring and summer who come for the great, grand adventures that can be had here. So many other people come and help out at the Ranch that they are too numerous to mention them all. Because of all of these people, Pine Ranch has become what it is today. Thank you to each and every one of you.